Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Zen Temple Chicago

I joined a Temple in Chicago and with it I've made a commitment to the following:

1. Daily meditation of 10 mins a day - I'm doing the meditation at night before bed

2. Letting go practice - this is during the day. It is just a practice of letting go of your "load" or burden's throughout the day

3. Attending the temple services on sunday and some member services throughout the week

4. Giving the temple 40 bucks a month

So, i'm curious how this will change me and how much it will deepen my faith and spirtual connections and understanding.

I'm blogging about it because blogging is fun and also it creates community.

So far, the first week of belonging to the temple has already had a great effect on me. I went to a meditation introduction class that had a pretty profound effect on my mind. It made it quiet and relaxed. That is the best way to describe the changes so far.